You say FREE Coworking, we say JELLY!
“Jelly” is code for Free Coworking. Coworking is an opportunity to work alongside other technical, creative, professionals that choose to work in a collaborative setting. Office Divvy has been providing a free day of coworking each month, in Palm Coast since 2008.
Why does Office Divvy offer Free Coworking Jelly?
Office Divvy is a small business hub for professionals, entrepreneurs, and start-ups in Palm Coast, Flagler County and beyond. We have the space and infrastructure including high speed WiFi, where you can change your environment for a few hours and “get into your zone” (your work zone). One key benefit is of course the organic networking that takes place when you meet other professionals.
Who is a good match to attend Free “Coworking Jelly” at Office Divvy?
Most professionals, telecommuters, writers, designers, technology folks, and business-people are a great match for Coworking. Working independently in a community setting can cure the isolation problem that many “home office” workers and telecommuters face.
How can you participate in a Coworking Jelly?
Fill out the short application form below so we know you’ll be coming by.
Where does the Coworking Jelly takes place?
At Office Divvy Headquarters, of course!
We provide you a FREE Coworking Day Pass on the day of the Coworking Jelly (first Wednesday of every month). It’s a $29 value –absolutely free! COWORK by Office Divvy provides the space, chairs and sofas, high-speed wireless internet, and interesting people to talk to, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off of.