We love it when our clients and friends refer new clients…
Office Divvy clients frequently recommend our services to their fellow business owners. We are truly grateful for that.
We want to show further gratitude with a gift when one of our clients or friends refer a prospect who becomes an Office Divvy client.
So…refer a friend, colleague or an acquaintance in your network to Office Divvy. We’ll do the work of following up with them and presenting them the solution you recommended for them. Once your referral becomes a client, you’ll receive a High Five plus one of the following gifts of your choice*
$50 American Express Gift Card
Prepaid Amex Gift Card. Funds never expire. No inactivity fees or other fees. Accepted nationally where American Express credit cards are accepted.
- $75 Gift Card to La Piazza Cafe
La Piazza Cafe located at European Village offers a fine Italian Cuisine experience matched by no other restaurant in Flagler County. It’s been consistently the #1 rated restaurant in Palm Coast by Trip Advisor. You will love the selection of appetizers, entrées, wines, and desserts and enjoy the high quality service and atmosphere.
- $100 Gift Card to The Humidor Cigar Bar & Lounge
Also located at European Village, this is a premium cigar lounge and bar. Now, this gift makes a lot of sense if you are into cigars, or have some one close in your life who is into cigars. But the Gift Card is good for anything in the Lounge, beer, wine, port, cigars, or cigar accessories. If you’re in or around Palm Coast go spend your $100 there (in one shot or over time). If you live elsewhere, they can ship you cigars. 🙂
There’s no limit to the number of times you can earn these referral appreciation gifts. Each time you refer us someone who subscribes to one of the core services we offer for Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses and Startups, you will receive a gift! No strings attached! Fill out the form below to start the process…
* American Express, La Piazza, or The Humidor are not sponsors of this promotion. These gift cards cannot be transferred for value or redeemed for cash. There are only two exceptions when you won’t qualify for a referral gift: 1) You cannot refer yourself. 2) No retroactive referring. 3) You cannot qualify for a gift if you refer someone who is already an Office Divvy client, or a prospect who received an estimate for a service.