What does Backup Phone Answering mean? It means having a team to back you up, so your calls are answered LIVE and professionally when you cannot answer the phone. Some folks call it secondary answering. Others call it sequential answering. We call it Back Up Answering.
You have to answer your own phones to ensure you leave a great impression—particularly a first impression.FACT!
Perhaps… You may indeed be the best person to handle your clients’ needs and make a good impression. However, as hard as you try, you just will not be able to get to every phone call. It’s impossible. And your business will suffer if you try.
“If I can’t answer, they’ll leave a voicemail.”DEBUNKED!
When a call is not answered live, and hits voicemail instead, as many as 8 of 10 callers hangup. That’s a real statistic. Now you’ve hit the pain-point: Possibly a missed business opportunity.
Contrary to common belief, voicemail is no ideal way to handle new prospect calls.
We crafted a 12-page White Paper, titled: “Is Voicemail Hurting or Helping your Business?” If you recognize yourself as the small business owner above, we implore you to download and read it…
Here’s are a couple of the elucidating benefits you’ll gain by reading this paper:
- Learn how and why distinctive and contrasting industries—big and small—are rethinking their existing call answering infrastructure
- Gain insight into your own customer experience
- Make better use of your money
Our Backup Phone Answering, starts at $399, for your business. You can have your cake and eat it, too. Keep your personal imprint on your callers/customers without spreading yourself too thin.
If you’re the type of business-owner who likes to be the first to speak with clients, whenever possible, our Backup Answering is designed with you in mind. Remember, our core service is our Call Desk.
No worries. You don’t relinquish control over your call, either. We follow your business rules to the Tee.
We’d love to give you a demo, just call us at 386-445-4153
And oh yes, download that White Paper above, you’ll benefit from reading it.