We provide a terrific Customer Experience Team with Professional Phone Answering Service for Your Law Firm.

Quick summary of Office Divvy’s Customer Experience Team Call Desk for Attorneys:
- We are a boutique Call-Desk with a small team of competent, courteous professionals who operate as an extension of your firm’s team
- We have a particular industry-expertise for Law firms
- Since 2008 we’ve worked with dozens of Sole-Practitioner Attorneys as well as Small Law firms
- We make a highly positive first impression on your callers with emphasis on customer service and we deeply care about caller experience
- We follow your business rules to a T when it comes to handling gatekeeping (solicitations), new prospects, existing client matters.
- We traffic calls, take messages when it is needed, live-resolve inquiries and schedule prospect or client consultations on your calendar.
As a sole practitioner or a small law firm, you can, and often do, do it all.
Well mostly…but maybe not all. For instance are you really able to answer all your calls all the time? Are you able to convert calls from prospective-clients to scheduled appointments?
A missed call is a missed opportunity for many attorneys. Did you know 4 to 5 out of every 10 new prospects calling your firm hang up if they hear the call answered with an auto-attendant or a google voice greeting, or if there is no answer and the call goes to voicemail? Could you really afford losing 4 to 5 out of every 10 prospects?
As unintentional as it may be, by not answering all of your calls live, and allowing your potential and actual customers to be obstructed by an auto-attendant greeting or the cold digital hand of voicemail, you are telling that caller that you do not have the business infrastructure to handle your own calls.
You work hard to make your phones ring; you spend money and time to make sure that happens, but then when your calls are not answered live you are virtually working for your competition, and handing your prospect off to your competition.
Why is that? Because those who hung up are often calling your competition!
You can instead, with minimum investment, get a great return on all fronts: that is Office Divvy’s live professional phone answering for Law Firms, a professional service by a well-trained, competent, courteous team, starting from $399/month, or better yet, our full Call-Desk services with converting calls to scheduled appointments on your calendar, starting from $699 a month.
How about a Free Demo?
Call us at 386-445-4153 or click the button so we can setup a free, no-obligation, real-time demo!Create a great impression when your callers call your firm!
Option 1: If you are a sole practitioner answering your phones yourself our Call Desk solution may be the perfect match to your needs. We can offer you a primary or back up phone answering solution (back up: we answer your calls when you cannot answer them).
Option 2: Even if you have some phone coverage in place (part time or full-time), two or three simultaneous incoming calls, calls ringing one-after-another, lunch coverage, a sick day, or vacation time should not cause your firm to leave a bad impression.
We’ve got you covered! All from $399/month.
Our Call-Desk is ideal for sole-practitioners to small law firms of up to 10 employees alike. We’re Located in Palm Coast, Florida, with a talented, competent, super professional and well-trained staff.
We’re experts in Caller Experience and we’ve got your back!

High-Touch Professional and Personalized Phone Answering by Office Divvy starts from as low as $399 / month. Our program offers live professional phone answering during business hours, live call patching/routing, and more. Additional services include shared calendar appointment setting and CRM related actions.
All calls are answered by our Call Desk team under your company name.
Calls are connected to you or messaged to you with comprehensive information depending on your business rules. We can also book appointments on your calendar – all this, and more are done with a human touch. The emphasis is on effectiveness, respect, and listening for ways to add greater value for the caller. For us, this is “high touch phone answering“.
Our phone-system operates on a business-class platform, and can scale as you grow.
Phone Answering Plans Include
Professional live answering during business hours
After-hours auto-attendant programming
Voicemail and fax to your selected email address
A scaleable, affordable, customizable, and professional "high-touch" call center
800, 888, 877 numbers and vanity numbers
Local numbers in most locations in the US
Your own extensions set to ring to any number
Sophisticated, flexible internal telephony architecture with call procedures and guidelines
Get an Assistant
- One local number
- For company size: Up to 2
- Up to 2 call destinations
- Company dashboard & maintenance
- Live connect
- Common caller questions live resolved
- Actionable messages are sent
- Robots and spam callers are blocked
- 9:00 am to 5:00 pm M-F live team
- After-hours business rules/auto-attendant
- Voicemail by email
- Up to 175 calls/mo
- Shared electronic fax
Get a Team
- One local or one toll-free number
- For company size: Up to 4
- Up to 6 call destinations
- Company dashboard & maintenance
- Live connect
- Common caller questions live resolved
- Actionable messages are sent
- Robots and spam callers are blocked
- Live Scheduling
- 3rd Party Live Transactions (inbound sales)
- Robots and spam callers are blocked
- 8:30 am to 5:30 pm M-F live team
- After-hours business rules/auto-attendant
- Voicemail by email
- Up to 375 calls/mo
- Dedicated electronic fax line
Get Even More!
- One local AND one toll-free number
- For company size: Up to 8
- Up to 16 call destinations
- Company dashboard & maintenance
- Live connect
- Common caller questions live resolved
- Actionable messages are sent
- Robots and spam callers are blocked
- Live Scheduling
- 3rd Party Live Transactions (inbound sales)
- 3rd Party CRM actions
- Team schedule/rotation dashboard
- Robots and spam callers are blocked
- Outbound Calls within Scope
- 8:30 am to 5:30 pm M-F live team
- Saturday hours: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
- After-hours business rules/auto-attendant
- Voicemail by email
- Up to 775 calls/mo
- Dedicated electronic fax line
How about a Free Demo?
Click the button so we can setup a free real-time demo!