HipChat’s “Lumbergh Returns” commercials are truly brilliant. Inspired by the cult movie Office Space, the Group and Private Chat and File Sharing tool HipChat released a bunch of commercials that are “breaking the internet.”
Lifehacker has an interesting article on how to use a timer to get more things done by creating a system whereby you dash through your-to-do list; and keep the time as you do it. Here’s an excerpt from the original article: Stop Procrastinating and Dash Through Tasks with a Timer Trick yourself into starting by deciding to work on the task for just a handful of minutes and guarantee yourself […]
This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog Most people saw Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture through the YouTube videos going around in 2009, 2010. His book The Last Lecture gives a little more depth to his presentation, his principles, and his life. An interesting chapter in his book is when he talks about what he knows when it comes to time management. Here are the 7 […]
This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog 37 Signals Founder Jason Fried says that the your regular office isn’t a good place to do get work done. Your regular office may include your brick-and-mortar daily office location (including your home office). Where do you really go when you really need to get some serious work done? Fried says he typically gets three kinds of answers to […]
This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog Email and I are not friends… Aside from the fact that I find email a weak way to communicate (particularly when you’re dealing with multiple team-members), I just think that there is just too many of it. Plus it’s a constant interruption. I use Microsoft Outlook, and like most people when a new email pops up in my computer, […]