Umarells at Office Divvy

Umarells at Office Divvy

The Umarells: A Cultural Phenomenon in Italy has now become part of the daily fabric at Office Divvy in Palm Coast (or in Italian, “Palma Costa”). All thanks to our colleague Mark Woods! First, a little on Umarells… In recent years, a new cultural phenomenon has taken Italy by storm: the Umarells. Umarells are mostly older gentlemen, who can be found loitering around construction sites and renovation projects, peeping through […]

6 + 4 doesn’t equal 4, but how do you make it right?

6 + 4 doesn’t equal 4, but how do you make it right?

Move just one match to fix this equation… That is what I saw in my facebook timeline from a post shared by a friend. After a few seconds looking at the equation, I was able to move one match and correct the equation.

Toilet Paper: Over or Under?

Toilet Paper: Over or Under?

How do you take your Toilet Paper? Over or Under? You know, in the holder. We have a reason for asking. It’s an interesting age-old question, isn’t it?

Intern at a Startup as My First Job

Intern at a Startup as My First Job

All new jobs, if they’re really new, come with some degree of intrigue. However, there’s something about that first job that always makes them feel momentous, like you’ve conquered something major. And you have done just that–no matter how modest the job may seem.

Girl Scouts Cookies – You Gotta Love ‘Em

Girl Scouts Cookies – You Gotta Love ‘Em

Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs… Oh My! You know very well that working from a home office could be a blessing and a curse. Working from home is a privilege and has so many advantages, but it also comes with problems such as isolation (having nobody around to bounce ideas off of, collaborate, to tell a joke to) and distractions (do we really need to name them? Okay: Refrigerator, TV, Laundry, […]

Two Things You Can Learn From Jelly Beans About Individual Knowledge vs. Group Knowledge

Two Things You Can Learn From Jelly Beans About Individual Knowledge vs. Group Knowledge

Every Easter at Office Divvy, we hold an annual Jelly Bean Guessing Contest. This is how it works: We stuff a glass jar with jellybeans, and count them one by one as we put them in. Don’t worry, no hands touch the jellybeans, we are hygiene-freaks.  

Office Divvy intern takes down Palm Coast Fire Chief!

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog Office Divvy ™ intern Alex took down the Palm Coast Fire Chief Mike Beadle, literally… Chief Beadle was one of the generous people who volunteered to be “dunked” at the Dunking Booth during the Arbor Day Festivities in Town Center, sponsored by the City of Palm Coast. Just before Alex got him, he was also dunked by Office Divvy […]