COWORKING From Palm Coast to LAX

COWORKING From Palm Coast to LAX

Among travel-heads and expeditionists, it goes without saying… The best way to experience a new place, particularly when just passing through, is to grab a local nosh somewhere. Assuming, of course, it’s truly local and an authentic piece of the neighborhood. But if you’re a footloose freelancer or entrepreneur, perhaps there’s another way. One you probably haven’t considered.

Toilet Paper: Over or Under?

Toilet Paper: Over or Under?

How do you take your Toilet Paper? Over or Under? You know, in the holder. We have a reason for asking. It’s an interesting age-old question, isn’t it?

2016: Year In Review

2016: Year In Review

We’re pretty sure you’ve heard this pronouncement before… “2016 was one Helluva’ year…” Since our business is mostly about “Startups,” that is helping folks start up, grow, and scale their businesses, you can imagine that every one of those 365 days, in essence, amounts to a tug of war of high and lows, the small business headwinds pulling simultaneously in every direction. So as we close 2016, in this blog […]

We have a Winner! Most Interesting Startup in Flagler County (2016)

We have a Winner! Most Interesting Startup in Flagler County (2016)

Who won the contest, Most Interesting Startup in Flagler County in 2016? We announced the results at COWORK by Office Divvy on November 15, 2016, an event attended by more than 60 attendees.

2016 News-Tribune Readers’ Choice Awards

2016 News-Tribune Readers’ Choice Awards

Sometimes it’s OK to pat yourself on the back, as long as it’s not too often and you really deserve it. Wednesday, September 21, the new edition of the completely redesigned Flagler News-Tribune launched with a small banquet-style ceremony at the Flagler Auditorium.

Read Our Profile in Thrive Magazine

Read Our Profile in Thrive Magazine

The best thing a Startup can hope to do is “disrupt.” In the business world, the word, disrupt, is code for a trend-setter: A company that sets about making life, work or both more efficient with complete disregard for an old system, a system that everyone else hasn’t realized is old yet.

How to Deal with Google Spam (a Google Impostor Calling You)

How to Deal with Google Spam (a Google Impostor Calling You)

It’s a plague that strikes at every Small Business owner… The phone rings… The call is coming from “someone,” either a flesh-and-blood human being or possibly just an automated voice—what the industry calls a robot. But this isn’t Westworld.

Our Amazing, Edifying White Paper on Voicemail

Our Amazing, Edifying White Paper on Voicemail

Is Voicemail Benefiting or Hurting Your Business? Why did Coca Cola give up Voicemail? How about JP Morgan Chase? Woah, those are two big multinational companies! Their situation can’t possibly be the same as that of the typical small business, right?