The Startup Visa Movement

The Startup Visa Movement

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog Startup Visa (aka Founder Visa or Founders Visa) is in the headlines again, after a critical milestone… An interesting movement has been gaining momentum in the United States, which now reached a critical milestone for bright, entrepreneurial individuals from other countries to gain access to a special immigrant visa status to enter, reside, and work in the United States […]

Seth Godin: Appreciating The Value of Small Failures

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog In the following short video Andrew Keen of TechCrunch interviews blogger and best-selling author Seth Godin. Godin calls the times we live in, “times that anybody or anywhere now has the ability to make something that matters.” He answers the question what should people do, with “They should fail!” According to Godin, people should fail small, and they should […]

Year of the Rabbit: A positive and inspiring outlook for 2011?

Year of the Rabbit: A positive and inspiring outlook for 2011?

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog  by Sim Taing Co-Founder Office Divvy The Year of The Rabbit begins on February 3rd, 2011. The Chinese zodiac characterizes the Rabbit with cuddly, warm and affectionate attributes. The Rabbit is also one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese Astrology chart. As such, the year 2011 holds positive promises for both personal and business prosperity and fulfillment. 2011 will […]

5 Marketing Sins to Avoid in 2011

5 Marketing Sins to Avoid in 2011

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog …a guest blog post by Brad West Originally from Southern  NJ and Central PA, Brad lives in Palm Coast, FL. He has a diverse background in Retail Management, Social Media Management, and Real Estate Marketing. Brad is currently a Social Media Professional for a national organization. Brad has also made a name for himself as the Technology and Small […]

Membership Benefits and Fringe Benefits at Office Divvy

Membership Benefits and Fringe Benefits at Office Divvy

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog What we do at Office Divvy ™ is hard sometimes for people to process, and it’s even hard for us to define in a nutshell. The range of services we provide to Small Business and Entrepreneurs is wide, very wide. For the typical business-person, the idea of running your business from a base of a nurturing, collaborative, cooperative model […]

25 “P”s of Social Media and New Media Marketing…

25 “P”s of Social Media and New Media Marketing…

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog You probably heard about the 5 “P“s of Marketing: Product: The products or services offered to your customers/clients. Price: The pricing strategy for the desired profit margin. Place: Distribution –getting your product/service to your target market. Promotion: Communicating with your customers. People: The value of your people and people at large (i.e. influencers) New Media the same list has […]

Mail Never Stops! Feel frustrated over your email inbox?

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog Remember the famous scene from Seinfeld? George Costanza: Why do the Postal Workers go “postal” and shoot everybody? Newman: Because the mail never stops! It just keeps coming and coming and coming… There’s never a let up, it’s relentless! Do you feel this way about your email inbox? We can give advice here on productivity and time management and how […]

This is why Twitter Direct Messages (DM) are a nuisance…

This is why Twitter Direct Messages (DM) are a nuisance…

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog In an earlier blog post titled “3 Biggest Problems with Twitter are…” I wrote an open letter to twitter (coincidentally on their 2nd birthday): Twitter, we know you are not perfect. You have your shortcomings. We all do. If you are picking some things to work on here’s number 2: Direct Message: Auto Respond We often times would have […]

How to Remove the Google Blogger Navigation Bar from Your Blog

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog Do you find the Blogspot navigation bar annoying? If you blog on Google’s Blogger platform, chances are, you have asked yourself how you could get rid of that. It’s actually as simple as dropping some short code to your style-sheets. Here’s a detailed video I put-together with step by step instructions to remove the navbar from Blogspot:

Office Divvy intern takes down Palm Coast Fire Chief!

This blog post previously appeared in the Old Office Divvy Blog Office Divvy ™ intern Alex took down the Palm Coast Fire Chief Mike Beadle, literally… Chief Beadle was one of the generous people who volunteered to be “dunked” at the Dunking Booth during the Arbor Day Festivities in Town Center, sponsored by the City of Palm Coast. Just before Alex got him, he was also dunked by Office Divvy […]