Girl Scouts Cookies – You Gotta Love ‘Em
Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs… Oh My!
You know very well that working from a home office could be a blessing and a curse. Working from home is a privilege and has so many advantages, but it also comes with problems such as isolation (having nobody around to bounce ideas off of, collaborate, to tell a joke to) and distractions (do we really need to name them? Okay: Refrigerator, TV, Laundry, Kids, Pets).
What does working from home got to do with Girl Scout Cookies? Well, if you are holed up in your home office, then you miss that moment when your co-worker shows up with a Girl Scout Cookie order form.
Don’t trick yourself into thinking this is ok.
There’s nothing wrong with girl scout cookies! Unless, of course, you have 4 or 5 Girl Scouts in your life. That can be a little pricey and fattening.
Lucky for us, we have an Office Divvy member, Agnes from Accountime, who has a kid, Em, in the cookie selling racket.
You may have heard that an Aurora Girl Scout sells 2,500 boxes of cookies.” That made us wonder who was the biggest seller of Girl Scout Cookies in Palm Coast. But in all truth, it’s really not about the numbers. Our Em, Agnes’s daughter, will tell you it’s about teamwork and organization: keeping good records, and delivering a great product to your customers.
We love our Girl Scouts like we love our Entrepreneurs. As a matter of fact, Ky Ekinci, an Office Divvy co-founder and partner, previously wrote about his encounter with a Girl Scout team outside of Publix. He asked them to “work a little” for the sale. They did.
Did You Know?
Girl Scout Cookies are among the most beloved cookies in America!
Unfortunately, the scouts only operate a precious six-to-eight-weeks. Miss it, and it’s game-over. Too late.
This year, we asked each of our team members to select their favorite girl scout cookie, and we placed an order for the whole team. Here below, you’ll see some of our team-members posing with their favorite girl scout cookie.
Everyone on the Office Divvy Team had their own reasons why they chose the cookie box they did. Sometimes it has to do with a feeling or a memory that’s triggered. “My girlfriend bought them [Savannah Smiles] once, and so I knew that I liked ‘em,” Ben Stephenson, explained.
For others, it’s not so ethereal. “I chose Samoas because I like the combination of chocolate, coconut, and caramel mixed together. I also like the soft, yet crunchy feeling when I bite into the cookie,” Monica Lao, Office Divvy’s junior associate, said. “That’s why I chose it.”
Trenton Moore, CTI (Chief Technology Intern –yes we just made up that title), had a different story. He never had Girl Scout Cookies before this experiment, due to the fact that he used to live by the beach, and the scouts never came by. He also owned up to never bothering to pay when he saw them selling in front of the supermarket.
That wasn’t good enough. At Office Divvy, just like in the troupe, being part of a team means something.
So Kedron Abbott, an Office Divvy digital intern (and yes, it’s me who is writing this blog post, too) stepped in:
“He didn’t know which one he would like, so I simply lead him in the right direction, by telling him that Thin Mints were the best. For myself, it’s just a nostalgia thing. I love eating them because they taste great, and my grandma would always buy them for me when I was younger, and I’ve loved them since.”
What’s your favorite Girl Scout Cookie?
It’s a good thing to know about a person. It’s up there with “How do you take your coffee?”
Here’s how “Girl Scout Cookie Favorites” break down for our own team:
Knowing things about the people you work with…is a good thing.
Our client, Sachs Insights took that idea further. They asked what’s your favorite cocktail, most coveted super power, and spirit animal. Here is the result.
We’re not sure what the favorite Girl Scout cookie is at Sachs Insights, but at Office Divvy, apparently it’s the Thin Mint.
You might say it’s our official cookie.
Ask yourself, if you do not know what kind of Girl Scout Cookie someone likes, how well do you really know them?

- Intern Ready - July 26, 2017
- Bama Bound from Palm Coast - August 8, 2016
- Peralta Design Launch Party - October 8, 2015
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